Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Definatly need to catch up on it. I'm so tired....Bah. Hopefully I'll be going to be early tonight so that'll be nice.

It was great, got to see Chrs yesterday, made my Monday, even if it was only for a few hours. I'm hoping thigns stay on this uphill path for a while, its about time something goes right in my life...I've been delt a lot of shit in the past few months.

I'm trying to write in this everyday, but I'm running out of things to write about...and I know no one really reads this anyways...but still.

I'm really hoping Chris decides he wants to move back in soon...I'm hoping before Dec. Once he pays part of his parents off and gets a truck, which wont be too far off, 1 month to pay off his parents, about 1 month to get a truck...that puts it at Nov...I think it's doable. I just really want to get life back to the way it was...and I know there are things he wants to do before he comes back, but I don't think life will be "fixed" or go back to the way it was until he moves in. I just want my lvoe back, my life back, and my forever back. Part of me still wonders if that's his only reason for not moving back right now...maybe there is something else going on that I just don't know about...but then again, the other part of me just yells at the doubting part telling it to shut up because it's just paranoid thoughts plaguing me....I hope I'm right.

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