Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day One

So after a really shitty day yesterday fighting with Chris and trying to just get through work without screaming, yelling at someone, or completely bursting down into tears, I decided to try my new "diet" today. It's really a body detox and cleanse (Some know it by it's more popular name: "The Lemonade Diet") and so far, not totally enjoying it. But hey, nothing is supposed to be easy, right?

So yesterday after work, I busted out my hand-dandy juicer and juices a bunch of lemons and used to refridgerated juice I already had (my arm was really starting to hurt after about 7 lemons!) and mixed it all up with the syrup and water, and put it in the fridge for the next day.

Today I walk into work with my gallon jug and cup in hand, along with my bottle of cayenne pepper and keep telling myself how determined I am to make this work, and get through it without eating my own arm off.

So far, so good. Except I cheated a little bit, I had a piece of candy that was calling my name. But hey, no one's perfect. So I've gone through 3 glasses, have a bottle of water next to me, and not feeling too badly. I've got a little bit of a headache, and a small case of agada, but nothing i can't survive. I am rediculously tired, however. Part of which, I'm sure, is the wonderful night I had once Chris came over ;) And also not used to functioning on this low of a blood sugar. Hopefully tomorrow isn't as bad.

And let me just say, the smell of food is driving me CRAZY! And Jimboy's is calling my name....Man. Hopefully I can make it the full 10 days. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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